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Woman Charged With Rendering Fraudulent Immigration Services In LA County

Los Angeles, CA.- Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced today that a 56-year-old woman has been charged with scamming more than a dozen immigrants by pretending to be a consultant -- and at times -- an attorney.

“We have seen time and time again predatory practices against the most vulnerable victims,” District Attorney Gascón said. “This person allegedly preyed upon immigrants who lacked the sophistication to navigate the immigration system. She was repeatedly told she could not legally provide immigration services, but, nevertheless, she ignored these warnings. These kinds of crimes cheat unassuming people out of their hard-earned money and endanger their immigration status.”

Nubia Esmeralda Burrier (dob 10/28/1966) was charged in case BA512477 with 10 counts of grand theft and one count of first-degree residential burglary with a person present.

She is scheduled to be arraigned next week at the Foltz Criminal Justice Center.

For the past 14 years, Burrier met with victims at her office across the street from the U.S. Immigration Court. She allegedly filed for political asylum on their behalf even though she knew they were not eligible. She is also accused of rendering services never provided.

In total, Burrier allegedly stole $127,150 from 17 victims.

The case remains under investigation by the District Attorney’s Economic Justice and Notario Fraud Unit and the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA). Anyone who believes they have been defrauded can call the DCBA hotline at (213) 974-1452.


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