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Winter Shelter Activation for Homeless During Extreme Cold

Los Angeles, CA.-Supervisor Kathryn Barger issued a statement today emphasizing the extended availability of winter shelters for people experiencing homelessness, as a period of intense cold arrives in L.A. County for the next few days–including lows in the 20s and 30s for portions of the Antelope Valley:

“Los Angeles County’s weather-activated shelters are a lifesaving resource for people experiencing homelessness living on our streets. The communities I represent in the northern part of our county will experience freezing conditions at night, so I want to make sure the public knows the Augmented Winter Shelter Program is activated and will be extended until midweek. Our county’s homeless outreach teams are helping spread the word, but there’s a role for the public to lend a helping hand, too. If you see a person experiencing homelessness who needs a safe place to stay, share the Augmented Winter Shelter phone number or call to make a referral. By doing so, you can save a life.”

The Augmented Winter Shelter Program is operated by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority in partnership with 211 LA County. Anyone who dials the Winter Shelter hotline at 1-800-548-6047 will be connected to a specialist who will identify and reserve a bed at the closest winter shelter site. If none are available, motel vouchers are offered. Transportation accommodations can also be made, along with disability accommodations. For more information on the Augmented Winter Shelter Program, click here.


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