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Vista San Gabriel Elementary School New Kindergarten Facilities Project Breaks Ground

PALMDALE, CA – After extensive planning, design, and preconstruction work, the Wilsona School District (District) proudly announces the construction of the Vista San Gabriel Elementary School New Kindergarten Facilities Project!

On May 7, 2021, the District will hold a virtual groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the start of construction to be held at 1pm at Vista San Gabriel Elementary School, 18020 East Avenue O, Palmdale, CA 93591.

Due to social distancing requirements, all members of the community are encouraged to virtually attend the ceremony through a live feed via the District’s Facebook page:

The project includes the construction of three new kindergarten classrooms to include in-classroom student restrooms and teacher workroom/storage areas. Associated site work including playground and circulation improvements will also be provided.

Classrooms have been designed to support 21st century 360-degree learning environments with flexible space and adaptable furnishings subject to reconfiguration and use as needed; flat screen high definition instructional monitors that accommodate mobile and stationary computer and display devices; tack boards and markerboards throughout that allow multiple writing surfaces and designated areas to pin student work and learning concepts; sliding markerboards that cover windows as needed; and mobile storage.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in October 2021. Financing is made possible due to the receipt of grant funds through the State’s Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program and other district funds including Measure “WE” bonds. The District was successful in securing approximately $1.2 million in State grant funds for the project through this competitive kindergarten grant program. Superintendent Dr. Susan Andreas- Bervel noted: “We look forward to the completion of these new kindergarten facilities. These facilities will have a lasting positive impact on our students and school community.” The District’s Board President Victoria Green further noted: “Our students will benefit from these 21st century facilities and we look forward to the construction ahead.”

The Wilsona School District educates approximately 1,207 students in transitional kindergarten/kindergarten through eighth grade.

Photo : Vladimir Gomez


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