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SBCC Lake Los Angeles at the Raptor Opening

San Dimas – Lake Los Angeles was well represented at the Grand Opening of the San Dimas Raptor Rescue located at the San Dimas Canyon Nature Center by SBCC.

The Rescue will save injured or orphaned raptors as they are rehabilitated and then returned to the urban wild, for those who can survive in the wild again. This event also served as the launch for Los Angeles County donor campaign for the first Raptor Rescue that will serve Los Angeles County. Notice the word first. There will be more.

Pictured with Supervisor Kathryn Barger are Norma Garcia, Director of Parks and Recreation, the LLA/Wilsona/SBCC team Bryan Guijarro, Carlos Baltazar, Luz Rodriguez, Supervisor Barger, Lali Schwerdt and Erika Schwerdt. The youngest supporter and representative is Ms. Lali Schwerdt.

Erika stated, “The SBCC team drove down to support the efforts of LA County Parks Director Norma Edith Garcia and Supervisor Kathryn Barger in opening the County's first raptor sanctuary. We talked about supporting the department’s efforts in the Antelope Valley and enjoyed the visitor center.

“We had so much fun. We are already working on plans to bring our youth program participants to come and experience the sanctuary and rehabilitation center.

“We saw Olivia Miseroy there as well. She was very excited to share and educate folks. She had a Barn Owl with her by the name of Ghost.”

On Tuesday evening July 9, in the heat of the day, over 100 LLA people, big and little, were present at Stephen Sorensen Regional Community Park (SSOR) in Lake Los Angeles to see, feel, hear and experience wildlife presented by Los Angeles County Parks & Recreation Wildlife and Wildflower Sanctuaries. Olivia Miseroy Regional Park Superintendent I, Wildlife and Wildflower Sanctuaries - County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation - Natural Areas Division, was there along with several other department superintendents and employees. There are more events planned at SSOR with notices will be sent out so everyone possible can be reached and attend.

They experienced live wildlife demonstrations at 15 minute intervals, received written information and visited with the dedicated and passionate employees of the Wildlife and Wildflower Sanctuaries. The children did not want it to end.

We will provide the schools with notices so every LLA family will receive the information. Within 60 days approximately, there will be an office of the Wildlife and Wildflower Sanctuaries established to continuously promote the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights activities in the community.

In Lake Los Angeles, we are looking forward to Ms. Olivia having her own space at Stephen Sorensen Community Regional Park very soon and the programs that will be shared with us in Lake Los Angeles.

We in Lake Los Angeles wholeheartedly support Los Angeles County Parks & Recreation Wildlife and Wildflower Sanctuaries and rescues.

Erika stated, “For SBCC and our staff, the relationship we foster and grow help ensure we can all come together to enhance our quality of life and that is something we all can treasure.”

Our children need and deserve to be a part of our park.

It’s a wondrous thing how the wild calms the child.

By Shirley Harriman


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