Ribbon cutting for Vista San Gabriel’s new K building
Lake Los Angeles – The new Kindergarten building at VSG was officially opened today at a ribbon cutting ceremony. The three classrooms will be filled with students next week that will experience incredible classrooms that have been designed to support 21st century learning. These students will be starting their 13-year education career here.
On Friday, May 8, 2021, with a small group of invited guests, to satisfy Covid restrictions then, Wilsona School District broke ground on a new facility being built on the campus of Vista San Gabriel Elementary School. So many challenges later, today it is ready for its first students.
With robust technology, mobile furniture that can be reconfigured, the teacher will be able to customize the classroom for the best optimized learning climate for all students. The furnishings are designed so the students can also customize their classroom. There is flat screen high-def instructional monitors that accommodate mobile and stationery computer and display devices; tack boards and market boards throughout that will allow multiple writing surfaces and designated areas to pin student work and learning concepts and sliding markerboards that cover windows as needed and mobile storage. So much is in the ground, the floors, the walls and the ceilings that make this building unique and technology forward in so many ways for generations.
Coming to celebrate with the community was Brandon Roque of Senator Scott Wilk’s office, Anna Zarley of Assemblyman Tom Lackey’s office and Chuck Bostwick with Supervisor Barger’s office. Representatives from the contractor came to see their work completed.
Financing was made possible due to grant funds through the State’s Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program and other sources including the “WE” bond measure the community passed.
Dr, Bervel, Superintendent of the Wilsona School District said, “Some of the most important advancements are what you don’t see because all the electrical and internet improvements are actually in the walls and ceilings of the rooms, but it is critical so every child can easily access their own device.
As we continue with our modernization plans for our other schools in the District, we look forward to providing 21st century learning environments for all our students, from Kindergarten through 8th grade.”
“On behalf of students, teachers, and staff, I would like to thank the community of Lake Los Angeles for continuing to support our local schools. I also want to thank our Board of Trustees, for having the vision to embark upon these projects to provide a 21st Century learning environment for our students.”
By Shirley Harriman