Recall campaign launched against Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris by Ervin & Maldonado.

Lancaster, CA.- Former Mayoral candidates join forces to unseat Mayor, R. Rex Parris.
At the Lancaster City Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th, Democrat, Johnathon Ervin and Republican, Mark Maldonado, both of whom challenged for the mayor’s seat in Lancaster’s last election, will serve Parris with a Notice of Intent to Recall.
(Click on the video to listen)
February 25th Lancaster City Council Meeting
According to the recall campaign, Parris’ latest example of unacceptable behavior occurred at the February 25th Lancaster City Council Meeting where he stated on the record that what he really wanted to do was “give the homeless all the Fentanyl they could want”, an obvious suggestion that the community would be better served if the homeless could be eradicated. Those supporting the recall see such comments as further proof that Parris is unfit to serve as Mayor.
Reasons for taking this important action, as cited by Ervin and Maldonado, include a long list of abuses such as changing the length of his term from two years to four, aligning himself with foreign interests by proposing a Chinese Birth Tourism plan, routinely showing disdain for citizens by interrupting their already limited time to speak at public meetings, changing the time of Council meetings to 1 PM when working citizens are unable to attend as well as many others.
If the recall petition gathers the required number of signatures, which are registered voters from the city of Lancaster, a special election would be initiated.
To watch the City of Lancaster council meetings online …