Public comments on GDD open June 10, 2022

Alhambra – November 5, 2020, Harriman wrote the following piece: – Los Angeles County Public Works is in the process of conducting community outreach meetings starting with the various councils to communicate Public Works’ proposal to implement exclusive Garage Disposal District (GDD) agreements. This is the result of voluminous concerns expressed by residents about the present system and the monumental and growing problems associated with rampant illegal dumping.
There are three bills driving the GDD proposal:
1. AB 341 from 2011 requires businesses that generate 4 cubic yards or more of solid waste per week and multi-family complexes of 5 or more units to have recycling services as well as the periodic trash collection services.
2. AB1826 from 2014 requires business and multifamily complexes with 5 or more units to arrange for organic waste collection
3. SB1383 from 2016 is much broader and more encompassing. It requires all generators of organic waste to agree to organic waste collection.
As such, the County requires all waste haulers to meet state law requirements. To read the text of the state bills, search by bill number on the internet.
August 4, 2021, this was an item on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ regular weekly meeting: 46. Application for Formation of Four Garbage Disposal Districts in Unincorporated areas of Acton, Agua Dulce and Antelope Valley Recommendation: Adopt a resolution finding that the unincorporated areas of Acton, Agua Dulce and Antelope Valley (5) are in need of refuse, recycling and organic waste collection services and should be formed into Garbage Disposal Districts and request the initiation of proceedings before the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the County for the formation of four Garbage Disposal Districts in unincorporated areas of Acton, Agua Dulce and Antelope Valley; approve the proposed boundaries of the territory to be formed into the Garbage Disposal Districts; authorize the Director of Public Works to file the required applications with LAFCO to form four Garbage Disposal Districts in unincorporated areas of Acton, Agua Dulce and Antelope Valley and take any other steps necessary to assist in processing the applications for the Garbage Disposal Districts formations; and find that the proposed actions are either not a project or are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) ADOPT (21-3089).
Updates were posted on Facebook and in the Lake L A News, shared with Acton/Agua Dulce, Quartz Hill, Little Rock, Pearblossom, Sun Village and areas included in the areas surrounding.
THE RIGHT NOW UPDATE FROM LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS IS: The project area is divided into four proposed service areas: Acton/Agua Dulce, Quartz Hill, Antelope Valley East, and Antelope Valley West. Pursuant to Section 15072 of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Project area includes properties that are enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the Government Code; however, the proposed project, which involves changes to existing solid waste collection, would not adversely affect or disturb hazardous waste sites or facilities.
The project would represent a change in solid waste collection in the project area. Public Works previously released an Initial Study and Negative Declaration (IS/ND) for the project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, and circulated the IS/ND for public review from February 11, 2022, through March 12, 2022. Public Works has since determined that revisions should be made to the IS/ND. The Recirculated IS/ND includes these revisions. The Recirculated IS/ND is being circulated for a 30-day public review starting June 10, 2022 and ending July 9, 2022. During this period, the Recirculated IS/ND may be accessed electronically at the following website:
A copy of the Recirculated IS/ND is also available for review at the following locations:
• Public Works Environmental Programs Division, Annex 3rd Floor, 900 S Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803
• Acton Agua Dulce Library, 33792 Crown Valley Road, Acton, CA 93510
• Lake Los Angeles Library, 16921 East Avenue O #A, Palmdale, CA 93591
• Littlerock Library, 35119 80th Street E, Littlerock, CA 93543
• Quartz Hill Library, 5040 W Avenue M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536
Interested parties must submit their comments in writing by July 9, 2022. Comments must be submitted via postal or electronic mail to the following address:
Department of Public Works Attention Reyna Soriano
P.O. Box 1460 Alhambra, CA 91802-1460
The final IS/ND will incorporate responses to written comments received during the public review period. The final document will be considered by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for approval. Questions regarding this notice should be directed to Ms. Reyna Soriano, Civil Engineer, (626) 458-5192 or, Monday through Thursday, between 6:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
The 30-day public period begins on June 10, 2022 and ends on July 9, 2022.
Please participate!
By Shirley Harriman