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Palmdale Water District hosting Let’s Talk H2O! Water During Wildfires

Palmdale, CA – To help address concerns from the public about whether a wildfire could cause devastation in Palmdale like it did in Los Angeles in January, Palmdale Water District (PWD) will host Let’s Talk

H2O! Water During Wildfires. The event will feature speakers from PWD,

Los Angeles County Fire Department and the city of Palmdale.

The public event is scheduled for 5-6 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at PWD’s main office, 2029 East Avenue Q, Palmdale. Those interested in attending are asked to register at

Each attendee will receive a free pre-packaged evacuation essentials

bag containing items, including a water pouch, survival blanket, 12-hour light

stick and whistle.

“The District recently received questions from customers about

whether there will be enough water and if fire hydrants in their neighborhoods will function

properly during a wildfire,” said PWD General Manager Dennis D. LaMoreaux. “We

understand the concerns, so we invited fire and city officials to join us at this event to share the plans we have in place for a fire emergency. I hope the community takes this opportunity to come learn about the preparations and how to protect their homes.”

Joining LaMoreaux will be Scott Rogers, PWD Assistant General Manager; Amy

Shadkamyan, city of Palmdale Emergency Services Administrator; and representatives from LA. County Fire Department Division V Battalion 17.

LaMoreaux and Rogers will share information that includes the District’s plans to

increase water during fire weather events, designing water systems to meet fire flow

requirements for developments, and an agreement allowing aircraft to use water from Lake Palmdale. Fire and city officials will cover the topics of hydrants, how fires are fought, the city’s

emergency plan and home protection.

Since 1918, the Palmdale Water District has provided high-quality water at a reasonable

cost. We pride ourselves on providing great customer care; advocating for local water issues that

help our residents; educating the community on water-use efficiency; and leading our region in researching and implementing emerging technologies that increase operational efficiency. For more information about PWD, visit


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