Palmdale’s Avenue R Project Earns 2024 APWA High Desert Branch Best Public Safety Improvement Award

PALMDALE, CA — The City of Palmdale has received the 2024 Best Improvement for Public Safety Award from the American Public Works Association (APWA) High Desert branch for the transformative Avenue R Complete Streets project. This recognition highlights the City’s ongoing commitment to improving infrastructure and enhancing road safety for its residents.
The Avenue R Complete Streets project, which spans 2.5 miles from Sierra Highway to 25th Street East, is a comprehensive initiative designed to bring critical improvements to one of the City’s most prominent roadways. This program overcame a series of challenges in the engineering stage, including right-of-way acquisition, utility relocations and coordination with Palmdale Water District, SoCal Edison, AT&T and Spectrum, ensuring that the road meets the demands of the growing community.
“This award is a testament to the dedication and hard work of everyone involved,” said Mayor Richard J. Loa. “The Avenue R project significantly improves public safety on our roads and prepares Palmdale for future growth. Seeing the completion of this project is a triumph for the residents traveling along the Avenue R corridor. We are proud of this achievement and excited to see safer and quicker travel for residents and visitors alike.”
This effort included a wide range of improvements on Avenue R. Over 2,500 linear feet of storm drain piping were installed, along with 33 storm drain boxes to address local drainage needs. The road was expanded with an additional 116,340 square feet of pavement, improving traffic flow and safety. New curbs and gutters, totaling 5,800 linear feet, were constructed alongside over 52,000 square feet of new sidewalks, increasing pedestrian accessibility. The project also included the installation of 96 new streetlights, the upgrading of traffic signal poles and the addition of new traffic signal mast arms at critical intersections on 11th and 20th Streets East. The Avenue was widened from four to five lanes with two travel lanes in each direction and a center two-way left turn lane. Sidewalk gaps were closed, and Class II bike lanes were added in each direction. Enhanced crosswalks, ADA-compliant curb ramps and bus turnouts were also a part of this major upgrade.
“We’re thankful for the $16 million in funding provided by the Active Transportation Program and Measure M that enabled us to complete these vital improvements for safer, better roads in our community,” said Mayor Pro Tem Laura Bettencourt. “This project was about more than just upgrading a road; it was about ensuring that Palmdale is ready to meet future needs.”
The APWA High Desert branch’s Best Improvement for Public Safety Award recognizes outstanding projects that enhance various aspects of public works, including traffic safety, mass transportation, public facilities and environmental protection. To qualify for the award, nominees must submit a detailed description of the improvement and its positive impact on public safety. The award honors initiatives that demonstrate significant contributions to the betterment of communities through innovative and effective public works solutions. The Avenue R Complete Streets Project stood out as an exemplary initiative in improving traffic safety and infrastructure, benefiting the entire Palmdale community.
The APWA High Desert Branch’s recognition of this project underscores the City’s leadership in advancing public safety and enhancing infrastructure. For more information on the Avenue R Complete Streets Project and other City initiatives, visit