Palmdale LASD offers safety tips when shopping on social sites .

LASD reminds consumers of a social sites shopping and safety .
Important reminder! There have been several recent armed robberies in Lancaster and Palmdale where victims are agreeing to meet strangers in an effort to sell belongings using various platforms such as Offer Up.
While these platforms are generally safe, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Robbery detectives would like to remind you there is a better way.
Both stations in Lancaster and Palmdale have designated selling areas in the parking lot that are video recorded for your safety. Please use these areas to conduct these transactions.
NEVER meet up with someone you don't know, or invite them to your home. Never go alone. Once your item is listed online, only agree to meet at the sheriff's station or at a well lit, public area during business hours, preferably an area that has video surveillance.
Following these simple suggestions can keep you safe during the holidays and going forward. Remember, if you see something, say something.