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Lake Los Angeles WATCH had special guests

Lake Los Angele – M&G’s – Tuesday, September 17, the monthly WATCH meeting for Lake Los Angeles was held with 41 people in attendance, including children from the Escape Room program.

Carlos Baltazar, Youth Development Coordinator, East Antelope Valley Region, Strength Based Community Change (SBCC) explained, “The Escape Room is a Neighborhood Action Council (NAC), the Youth Development Program at Wilsona Elementary School. The youth development programs at SBCC are youth led and the Escape Room (NAC) provides program activities that are youth led. The focus and creativity of the program is chosen by the youth and supported by us. It also provides resources, space, and time for youth in the Eastern Antelope Valley. While the program is in Lake Los Angeles at our expansion center located on the Wilsona Elementary School Campus, all youth are welcome.”

The Escape Room children donated water, fruit, pudding snacks, cookies and other items to be shared to Deputy Borruel and his fellow first responders.

Unfortunately, the two LLA radio car deputies were on calls during the meeting and couldn’t join. The fire department was on call and could not attend. Deputy Borruel will place the items in the Community Service Office (CSO) in LLA so first responders can come there, take a break and enjoy their thank you gifts. Borruel will also place the hand-created thank you cards on display.

Erika Schwerdt remarked, “Under the leadership of Carlos Baltazar, our youth Community Organizer in the Antelope Valley, our program participants wrote wonderful heartfelt messages for our local first responders who are out there in our rural communities helping in times of difficulties. This came in the wake of the overwhelmingly stressed resources to staff the bridge fire command post, but also continue to provide security to our community. The kids were very proud to turn these in to their LLA Resident Deputy Gilbert Bourell to share with his partners. It is important for our youth to build better relationships with law enforcement in order to build better communities.”

Borruel read the text on the cards one by one. The expressions were so special and so sincerely moving.

Discussions centered around updates on the fires. The LASD Emergency Operations Center is still active and is receiving help from other parts of the state.

Borruel shared an arrest made on his way to the meeting. An iPhone was stolen, witnesses reported the suspect had jumped on AVTA Route 50 bus, Borruel radioed other Lancaster units to pull over the bus, AVTA communicated with the driver, and the arrest was made. The suspect was arrested and booked for Grand Theft because the phone is worth over $1K. The cheers were loud!

Borruel reported on the July crime stats. August stats were not ready. However, the July stats were news to several people who came to the WATCH for the first time.

Grand Theft Auto was discussed. Borruel said, “GTA is a huge thing. Some are joy riding. Some are homeless or others wanting to go someplace and no money, so they steal a car temporarily. Some cars are stolen elsewhere and dumped out here. “The process when we have a GTA, we get the report, we look for the car, we can get into a chase, sometimes too fast, sometimes at gun point. Do not warm up your car before leaving,” Borruel advised.

A lengthy discussion about illegal dumping and the mulch nightmare was held. Borruel said, Illegal dumping is bigger than all of us.”

Borruel reported, “I was honored to have been invited to a Public Safety Committee meeting with Congressman Jay Obernolte. Everyone there was a chief, captain, etc. (brass), but I was really glad to be there. I appealed to the Congressman for funding for the Flock System and how it could help to contain the two county border lines where stolen cars are being driven. The Congressman listened and will work with us wherever possible. Where cameras would be placed ideally are Highway 138 and 165th, 240th and P, J and 170th, Palmdale and 170th and 90th and East Avenue O. In Lancaster 75% of the crimes are being solved because of Flock.”

A quick discussion regarding Neighborhood Watch signs being placed in the community came up. To be continued.

The next LLA WATCH meeting will be held Tuesday, October 15th, 6:00pm to 7:00pm at M&G’s.

By Shirley Harriman


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