#FightFentanylAV Campaign Launched

Palmdale - The City. in partnership with numerous community stakeholders through the #FightFentanylAV Campaign, is spreading awareness about the fentanyl epidemic plaguing our community and nation. The campaign hopes to provide essential information to prevent the illicit use of and overdose deaths from fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid prescribed for pain but also made and sold illegally.
Antelope Valley middle and high school students can participate in the #FightFentanylAV Youth Multimedia Fentanyl Awareness Challenge. Students can submit entries in art, poetry, and video
Dublic service announcements to win a monetary scholarship. The submission deadline is Monday. May 1. 2023.
"I encourage our local youth to get involved with our challenge,* said Palmdale Mayor Laura Bettencourt. "The dangers of fentanyl are real and affecting our youth. That is why we are sponsoring this competition - as a way to spread the word to our middle and high school students."
Attend the free Fentanyl Awareness Event on Saturday, April 29, from 10 am to 2 pm at Domenic Massari Park, 37716 55th St. East, for a day dedicated to raising awareness and equipping our community with tools to fight fentanyl abuse and save lives. Narcan/Hands-only CPR training will be available for anyone interested in these lifesaving skills. Enjoy music, games, activities, and resource tables. The AV Cruise Nights Car Club will display their cars, and you can purchase food from food trucks.
Plan to attend National Fentanyl Awareness Day on Tuesday. May 9, at 6 pm at the Palmdale Learning Plaza, 38043 Division St., where the youth multimedia challenge winners will be announced and featured. Hear from guest speakers, listen to free music, and learn how you can become involved in the ongoing #FightFentanylA V efforts to #StopTeenOverdose.
Palmdale Neighborhood Houses will also provide fentanyl and substance abuse presentations with naloxone distribution and hands-only CPR training. Presentations and training will be available at the following locations and times:
Yucca Neighborhood House, 503 E. Ave. Q-3
Friday. April 7, 5 pm
Saturday, April 8, 9:30 am
Friday, April 14, 5 pm
Tumbleweed Neighborhood House, 1129 E. Ave. R-4
Saturday, April 8, 9:30 am
Saturday. April 15. 9:30 am
Manzanita Neighborhood House, 38627 32nd St. East
- Friday. April 14, 5 pm
For complete details about these events, resource sessions, and the Youth Multimedia Challenge, please visit www.cityofpalmdaleca.gov/Fentanyl or contact Assistant to the City Manager Nard Lopez at 661/257-5177 or by email at nlopez@citvofpalmdale.org