AJCC is reopening to the Antelope Valley

Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger and the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) with leaders from the State of California Employment Development Department and JVS SoCal are hosting a grand re-opening ceremony for LA County's newly redesigned America's Job Center of California (AJCC) in the Antelope Valley.
The AJCC is reopening to the Antelope Valley community following extensive renovations and enhancements including the addition of the first Youth Innovation Center to inspire the next generation of LA County's leaders. Local residents can connect to job preparation, training, and new career pathways with family sustaining wages, while small businesses and high growth sector employers can connect to a diverse talent pipeline that supports sustainable and inclusive growth.
EWDD’s network of 14 YouthSource centers provide young Angelenos ages 14 to 24 years the support and resources they need to succeed in school and life.
The centers are strategically located in the City’s underserved neighborhoods. Services and programs are offered in multiple languages.
The YouthSource programs are designed to help young Angelenos who are not in school and not working find the classes they need to graduate, get on the path to receive a high school diploma and pursue higher education. There are also opportunities for paid internships, occupational skills training and job readiness programs.
Thursday, December 8th, 2022, starting at 1:00pm
1420 West Avenue I, Lancaster, CA 93534