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  • Shirley Harriman

AB-31 also known as Gabriel's Law has passed the CA Assembly Human Services committee

Sacramento – Wednesday April 21, 2021, there was an all-out full-court press applied to the public hearing in front of the California Assembly Human Services Committee.

The bill was introduced to the Committee by Assemblyman Tom Lackey who fought back tears as he described the fate of Gabriel and the other children who had been abused, tortured and murdered by their parents or the parent and parent companion and the system that failed them.

Strength Based Community Change (SBCC), a social change agency, First Five/Best Start Lancaster/Palmdale and Children’s Bureau joined hands and voices to call in to the committee hearing in support of AB31 – Gabriel’s Law.

The calls came in at such a fast pace and in such huge numbers, they overwhelmed the AT&T system and shut it down. Over 300 people were not able to voice their choice as a result. However, almost 100 did get to express their choice to overwhelmingly support AB31.

Erika Schwerdt, Community Organizer SPA-1, Community Organizer Best Start Region 5 said of the victory, “SBCC is the (LNC) local network contractor for Best Start Region 5. We work alongside residents as authentic partners in many projects that support positive changes in their community. As part of our work with the community we worked to support the outreach efforts to get AB31 passed in the first of many hurdles. Our work with the Best Start residents and our network of organized community groups across LA County really came through today when we all called in to show strong support for AB 31.

“We are pleased to hear that Assemblyman Mike Gipson has been moved by the outstanding community support from his district that he asked to become a loud champion for this bill as a co-author alongside Assemblyman Tom Lackey. We are definitely excited to be working with both offices moving forward and any other office that will hear us so that we do better and stand up for our children.

“We truly believe this is a step in the right direction and that there are several cracks in the Child Welfare system. We are here to close those cracks and will do what it takes. We are all on this one!”

AB 31 was presented to the Assembly on December 7, 2020 by Assemblyman Tom Lackey. Existing law requires the state, through the State Department of Social Services and county welfare departments, to establish and support a public system of statewide child welfare services, as specified, and declares the intent of the Legislature, in providing for this statewide system of child welfare services, that all children are entitled to be safe and free from abuse and neglect. Existing law requires the Office of the State Foster Care Ombudsperson to be established in the State Department of Social Services with prescribed powers and duties relating to the management of foster children, including the dissemination of information on the rights of children and youth in foster care. Existing law requires the Director of Social Services, in consultation with a committee of interested individuals chosen by the director, to appoint the ombudsperson for a term of 4 years.

This bill would establish the Office of the Child Protection Ombudsperson, with the intent to provide all California children with similar protections. The bill would require the State Child Protection Ombudsperson to be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate, for a term of 2 years. The bill would specify the duties of the office, including investigating specified child deaths caused by abuse or neglect. The bill would also authorize the office to take specified actions, including investigating systemic issues and suggesting corrective action accordingly. The bill would require the Office of the State Child Protection Ombudsperson to report to the Legislature, at the end of each 2-year legislative session, data collected by the office describing the nature of the complaints received and systemic suggestions to improve the child welfare system.

Here is the statement issued by Best Start Lancaster on behalf of all participants and supporters:

• AB-31 also known as Gabriel's Law has passed the CA Assembly Human Services committee! We would like to thank all of our community members who have worked side by side with us to get the word out on the bill. We would like to thank Assemblyman Tom Lackey and Assembly Member Mike A. Gipson, 64th District, as well as Chairwoman Assembly Member Lisa Calderon for your leadership and keeping our kid's best interests and safety in mind! April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and it is important that we see the need NOW more than ever to make sure that we are doing the best we can to make sure the Child Welfare System does not fail our children anymore!


• ¡AB-31 también conocida como la Ley de Gabriel ha sido aprobada por el comité de Servicios Humanos de la Asamblea de CA! Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad que han trabajado codo a codo con nosotros para hacer correr la voz sobre el proyecto de ley. ¡Nos gustaría agradecer al asambleísta Tom Lackey y al asambleísta Mike A. Gipson, distrito 64, así como a la presidenta asambleísta Lisa Calderon por su liderazgo y por mantener en mente los mejores intereses y seguridad de nuestros niños! Abril es el Mes de la Prevención del Abuso Infantil y es importante que veamos la necesidad AHORA más que nunca para asegurarnos de que estamos haciendo llo lo mejor que podemos para asegurarnos de que el Sistema de Bienestar Infantil ya no les falle a nuestros niños.

By Shirley Harriman

Family photo

Gabriel Fernandez


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