A third In N Out Burger In The Antelope Valley ?

In N Out Burger coming to Rosamond Ca, big buzz on social media .
A new location in the Antelope Valley, the new In N Out location will be the third establishment in the AV. In-N-Out Burger coming to Rosamond, CA at Rosamond Blvd and 28th St!
As of the 2010 Census, Rosamond's population is 20,961according to the Census, April 1, 2020
Here is what the In N Out Burger put out on Facebook this morning June 11,
We are excited to announce the grand opening of our Rosamond location on September 2nd, 2022! #innout #rosamondca #rosamond
We have confirmed with In N Out Burger, and they have no plans in opening a location in Rosamond . Fake account and they apologized for the confusion.

We have reach to out to In N Out for a response on the buzz circulating on social media .