City of Palmdale Awarded $500,000 Environment Grant for Avenue S Urban Greening Project
PALMDALE - The City of Palmdale has been awarded $500,000 in state grant funding from the California Natural Resources Agency’s (CNRA) Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Grant Program for the Ave. S Landscape Improvement Project.
The planned urban greening will enhance landscaping along the Ave. S bike trail from approximately 600 feet west of Pond Ave. to approximately 600 feet east of Dawson Dr. The project incorporates the use of water conserving irrigation and drought tolerant plant palette matching improvements that was recently completed along Ave. S which used boulders, cobbles, and decomposed granite.+
“This very substantial grant will have a very positive environmental impact on our community,” said Palmdale City Manager J.J. Murphy. “The project will add beauty and sustainability to one of our city’s busiest corridors. I commend staff and our grant team for working hard in delivering this grant.”
“We’re very thankful for the support of California Assemblyman Tom Lackey and Senator Scott Wilk on this of this project,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “We also received valuable support from the Antelope Valley Transit Authority, proving how much good can be accomplished through constructive and creative collaboration.”
“Aside from real and measurable benefits to human health, property values and business performance, air quality, atmospheric carbon dioxide reduction, storm water management and conservation in building energy use, quality green spaces can build stronger neighborhoods and stronger social connections,” said Palmdale’s Landscape Superintendent Steven J. Montenegro. “The support of our engaged residents also contributed to securing this grant award and is just one example of how together we can continue cultivating greatness into our community.”
About CNRA’s EEM Program
The EEM program was established in 1989 and amended on September 26, 2013. The CNRA prescribes procedures and criteria to evaluate grant project proposals and submits a list of projects recommended for funding to the California Transportation Commission. This program, as provided by California Streets and Highways Code Section 164.56 (Article XIX, Section 1, of the State Constitution), authorizes the legislature to allocate up to $7 million each fiscal year from the Highway Users Tax Account (Motor Vehicle Revenues, Section 2100). It offers grants to local, state and federal governmental agencies and to nonprofit organizations for projects to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by new or modified public transportation facilities. The grants for individual projects are generally limited to $500,000 each. For more information on the program visit .