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Lake LA gets ride to swimming pool with ‘Splash Bus’

LAKE LOS ANGELES – Lake Los Angeles children and adults can get free bus rides every Tuesday to the Everett Martin Park swimming pool in Littlerock. The “Splash Bus” will leave at 12 noon every Tuesday through Aug. 6 from Deputy Stephen Sorensen Park, 16801 East Ave. P in Lake Los Angeles. After recreational swim from 12:30 to 4 p.m. at Everett Martin Park, 355428 92nd St. East, the bus will arrive back at Sorensen Park between 4:15 and 4:30 p.m. “Our Splash Bus program provides safe transportation for children, parents, and community members from their local park to a fantastic county pool,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, whose district includes the Antelope Valley. “This fun and convenient opportunity helps our Lake Los Angeles residents beat the heat with their family, friends, and neighbors.” Bus transportation and swimming are free. Bus transportation is for children age 7 and older and for adults. If parents want to send children age 7 and older on the bus with county parks staffers, they must sign a permission slip, county officials said. Parks staffers ride the bus to the Everett Martin pool and back to Sorensen park. To register or for details, call (661) 264-1249. “We appreciate Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s support to our communities during the summer by providing access to our pool system,” said John Wicker, Director of Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation. “Antelope Valley district residents will have the opportunity to make a splash and create wonderful memories.”

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