Public Invited to Preview Palmdale High Speed Rail Station Area Plan

PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is inviting the public to participate in an open house to hear the latest information on the Palmdale High-Speed Rail Station Area Plan on Monday, Aug. 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Chimbole Cultural Center, 38350 Sierra Highway in Palmdale.
The City is continuing its efforts to implement a Station Area Plan that when complete, will establish the overall vision for the area surrounding the High-Speed Rail station and serve to create a new downtown for Palmdale. This open house will provide the public with an opportunity to preview the Draft Palmdale Transit Area Specific Plan (PTASP) and Draft Station Concepts. The community is encouraged to come out and meet with the project team, review plan elements and provide feedback. “Please join the City of Palmdale in developing this transformational plan. Your participation and input are essential,” said Transportation/Strategic Initiatives Manager Mike Behen. For more information on the Palmdale High-Speed Rail Station Area Plan project, please visit For project updates, please follow us on Facebook at City of Palmdale-Government or on Twitter @PalmdaleCity. For project specific questions, please contact Mike Behen at 661-267-5337 or Communications Department · 38300 Sierra Highway · Palmdale, CA 93550