Mayor R. Rex Parris Urges A.V. Community to Assist those Affected by Earthquakes with Supply Donatio

Today, the Parris Law Firm donated two pallets of basic necessities to those affected by the recent earthquakes in Ridgecrest and Trona, CA. Supplies included toilet paper and hygiene products -- items in high demand in the wake of two powerful quakes and a number of aftershocks -- which were delivered by the City of Lancaster.
Mayor Parris and the City of Lancaster, in conjunction with the Ridgecrest Emergency Operations Center (EOC), are asking the Antelope Valley community to pitch in and assist our neighbors to the north by donating the following items: toilet paper; hygiene products; hand sanitizer and soap; baby wipes and diapers; shampoo and conditioner; as well as toothpaste and toothbrushes. Donations may be dropped off at Lancaster City Hall effective immediately and will be delivered to those affected.