The Lancaster Sheriff's Station Summer Suppression Team confiscated 300lbs of fireworks.

As we prepare for the upcoming 4th of July holiday, Lancaster Sheriff's Station reminds our residents that fireworks are illegal throughout the City of Lancaster and in our unincorporated areas. In 2018, our station received over 700 calls for service in the 24 hour period of July 4th. Over 200 of those calls were firework related incidents, with a large amount of those involving injuries to children. Firework violation cites range from $500-$2,500 per cite. Yesterday, the Summer Suppression Team confiscated 300lbs of fireworks. We encourage our residents to take advantage of the many fun opportunities available throughout the city, including fireworks at the AV Fairgrounds and at Jethawks Stadium. For more information on either event, check our their webpages! We hope all of our residents have a safe and happy 4th of July! #LASD #AV411 #4thofJuly #fireworksafety