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Supervisor Kathryn Barger Funds Free Bus Passes for Antelope Valley Teens this Summer

Lancaster, CA. This summer Antelope Valley teens can get off the couch and engage in a healthy active lifestyle thanks to County Supervisor Kathryn Barger. Supervisor Barger is funding free Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) bus passes for teens 12-17 years old enrolled in the Antelope Valley Family YMCA Get Summer program. 

The Get Summer program offers teens free YMCA membership for June and July every summer. This membership provides full access to all of the Y’s amenities, including the fitness center, swimming pools, fitness classes, activities in the Tween Center, and special events exclusively for teens. 


A Teen Committee formed by teens in May planned the calendar of events for the summer, which is comprised of special sports tournaments, movie nights both in the pool and in the park, a paint night, and an ice cream social. “I am happy to sponsor and support healthy activities for our youth in the Antelope Valley. I applaud the Antelope Valley YMCA and Antelope Valley Transit Authority for making the Get Summer program available and accessible”, stated Supervisor Kathryn Barger. The summer will culminate at the Y on Saturday, August 10th, with a Teen Resource Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that will help teens access resources that will support their success in school and life now, prepare for college or trade school, and connect them with service opportunities in their community. The AVTA has a transit hub at Sgt. Steve Owen Memorial Park where the Antelope Valley Family YMCA is located, and the two agencies have been working together for the last year to find way to help residents connect with both the resources that the Y offers and the services that AVTA provides. Providing transit service to the teens to engage in the Get Summer program is just the first of many partnered services yet to come. For more information about the Get Summer program, call (661) 723-9622 or visit The Antelope Valley YMCA is located at 43001 10th St W, Lancaster, CA 93534.

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