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Health Seminar Offers Tips for “Aging Well”

Everyone worries about aging and people loathe the euphemisms associated with them like "seasoned" and "over the hill." A free lecture offering tips on how to maintain good health will be held at 7 p.m. May 21 at the Community Resource Center, 44151 15th Street West in Lancaster. 

Gene Rajaratnam, MD, the founder of the California Wellness Institute and a member of the Antelope Valley Hospital urology medical staff, will explain The impact of hormones on health. How to avoid, treat and cure diabetes. How to reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. "Aging is a topic that can cause stress and worry for a number of people," said Dr. Rajaratnam. "By attending the lecture, people will be given the tools needed to make smart decisions regarding their health and the aging process." For more details, click here to view the lecture event page on Facebook and RSVP. Future lecture topics include the mental health implications of social media, and quality and quantity of life. 

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