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Application Workshop for Courson Arts Colony West Affordable Housing This Saturday

PALMDALE – An application workshop for Courson Arts Colony West (CAC West) housing will take place this Saturday, May 18 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Courson Arts Colony East Clubhouse, located at 939 East Ave. Q-12 in Palmdale. Located in the heart of Palmdale, CAC West is an affordable apartment community offering two and three-bedroom apartments for households whose gross earnings are less than 50% of the area median income (approximately $47,000 for a family of three.) CAC West offers residents a permanent place to live, create and thrive in the Antelope Valley. The apartment community features art-focused amenities such as a ground-floor art gallery, digital art space, flexible art creation space, dance studio, art paseo and outdoor amphitheater. There are also robust service programs available for Veteran households. Applications will be available at the workshop for families and artists interested in applying. There is a $35 fee for each adult in the household which is required at the time of applications submission for a background process. To be considered for the artist preference, please bring at least three samples of recent art work and curriculum vita/resume that showcased dedication to the arts. Applicants who are interested in applying but unable to make the workshop may request an application at (800) 801-8440, ext. 7205.

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