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Representative Katie Hill Hosts Live Stream on the High Cost of Insulin in CA-25

Simi Valley, CA – Congresswoman Katie Hill yesterday visited the Clinicas Del Camino Real in Simi Valley and hosted a live stream to shine a light on the high cost of insulin for diabetes patients in the 25th Congressional district. Hill’s live stream highlighted a new report compiled at her request by the House Oversight Committee, which illustrated that for uninsured patients, the costs for insulin were up to 23 times higher in America, verses Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada and 4.2 times higher for those on Medicare. The massive cost discrepancies for diabetes patients in CA-25 caused not only financial hardship, but also the rationing of life-saving drugs. “There’s no excuse for the price of live-saving drugs bankrupting families and killing people in the greatest country in the world,” said Hill. “Through my work in committee, my bipartisan caucus work, and co-sponsoring legislation like the Competitive DRUGS Act, we are working to make sure that absolutely everyone can access affordable healthcare for themselves and their families.” Congresswoman Hill was also joined by Hilary Schardein, a constituent whose family has been directly impacted by high medication prices, and Roberto Juarez, CEO of Clinicas del Camino Real, a network of 13 health centers that serve over 100,000 patients. “I’m here today sharing my story and standing with my Congresswoman, who I know is working to make this right,” said Schardein. 

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