Lancaster Baptist Church graciously hosted the First Responders Appreciation Day.

First Responders from every agency, AMR, Fire Department, California Department of Corrections, California Highway Patrol and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department were the honored guests and thanked for their service. Lancaster Sheriff's Station Deputy Yeni Deciga was named the recipient of the Sergeant Steve Owen/Deputy Stephen Sorensen Hero Award! We could not be more proud of Deputy Deciga! A 10 year veteran of our department, Deputy Deciga has worked numerous positions at our station, including the Summer Suppression Team, Administrative Jailer and is a Certified Force Instructor.
She is currently in our Community Relations office, reaching out to our entire community, not only those who support law enforcement, but often times speaking to those that don't. She is a diligent, hard worker who always goes the extra mile in everything she does. Thank you to Pastor Paul Chappell and the entire congregation at Lancaster Baptist Church for welcoming us. And a huge congratulations to Deputy Deciga! Thank you for all of your hard work! #LASD #AV411 #myherowearsabadge