A deputy made two DUI arrests Tuesday around 4:00 P.M in Canyon Country.

‘And just when you thought you heard it all.’ A deputy made 2 DUI arrests
Tuesday around 4 p.m. in Canyon Country.
Both arrests were made at the same location. There were two different DUI suspects—but it was the same vehicle. We received a phone call reporting that there was a man who appeared to be driving under the influence in a parking lot on Centre Pointe Parkway.
Story/Photo Courtesy of : Santa Clarita LASD
The intoxicated man, who was having trouble parking his pick-up truck, had his beer-drinking passenger get out of the car and switch places with him. Well, the passenger, who was also under the influence, couldn’t park the truck any better. Responding deputies arrested both men, who were in their 20’s, for Driving Under The Influence. B.A.C. tests were administered to both parties, and one was found to be 2x the legal limit of alcohol at .16, and the other was at .13. One of the men was also found to be driving on a suspended license and on probation for DUI. Both suspects were transported and booked at SCV Sheriff’s Station jail.