11th Annual Lawn Mower Exchange event.

The AVAQMD’s Lawn Mower Exchange Program offers AV residents the opportunity to recycle an operating gas-powered lawn mower and purchase a new cordless, rechargeable, zero-emissions electric lawn mower.
Learn more about the 2019 prices and offer by viewing our program flier here.
Visit the website to get full information and paper work. https://avaqmd.ca.gov TO REGISTER, visit www.thegreenstationproducts.com/avaqmd.html REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and is open from 8 a.m. Monday, April 1 through 3 p.m. Friday, May 17. First come, first served.
Supplies are limited. Antelope Valley residents can choose between the Palmdale or Lancaster events. Please do not empty fluids from lawn mower for testing operability. Staff will be on-site to assist with unloading and loading. This is a “drive-thru drop-off and pick-up” event by appointment only upon registration. Vendor representative will be on-site for questions and demonstration. Participant Release of Ownership Form: