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Lee Willard was named Lancaster Sheriff's Station Volunteer of the Year.

Mr. Willard has been with our Volunteer On Patrol program for over 11 years and serves as a volunteer training mentor. 

"He is one of the most dedicated and active volunteers at our station," Volunteer Coordinator Deputy Deciga said about him. He ensures everyone shows up on time and every position is filled, often times filling the spot himself. Lee's can-do attitude is contagious and he has earned the respect of volunteers and deputies alike. 

Mr. Willard has become more than a volunteer at our station, he is a role model for other volunteers and a trusted partner. Of being presented with this honor, Mr. Willard, humble as ever said, "I wanted to help keep our community safe. The best way I can do that is by helping our local sheriff's with extra eyes and ears in the community." We cannot thank you enough Mr. Willard! We are so proud to call you our Volunteer of the Year! Congratulations Lee!

Photob Credit / Courtesy of Lancaster LASD #LASD #AV411 #VolunteeroftheYear #volunteerappreciationweek Lancaster Sheriff's Station 

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