Public hearing for proposed solar farm in the Lancaster area.

The public hearing for the proposed 148 acres solar facility in the East of 110th Street West between West Avenue G and West Avenue H Antelope Valley West Zoned District.
The hearing will be held at Del Sur Elementary School. 9023 W. Avenue H Lancaster, CA 93536
Date for the hearing is this Thursday April 4th, 2019 at 6:00 P:M
If you require special accommodations or material in alternate format, please contact the ADA Coordinator, Office, at (213) 974-6488 (Voice) or (213) 617-2292 (TDD) or visit their website at
Project No. 2018-001031-(5) Environmental Assessment No. 2018001537 Applicant: sPower Development Company, LLC East of 110th Street West between West Avenue G and West Avenue H Antelope Valley West Zoned District
To consider testimony on a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration with impacts to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, noise, and tribal cultural resources reduced to less than significant with mitigation measures pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
The project proposes the construction, operation, and maintenance of a ground- mounted utility-scale solar energy facility on approximately 148 acres of a 155-acre site in the A-2-2.5 (Heavy Agricultural – 2 1⁄2 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area Zone.