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America’s Job Center of California will host an INVEST Employer Luncheon Orientation

PALMDALE – America’s Job Center of California will host an INVEST Employer Luncheon Orientation at Antelope Valley AJCC located at 38510 Sierra Hwy, in Palmdale on Thursday, April 4 at 11 am.

“Do you believe in second chances? Become an INVEST Employer worksite at no expense to you,” said AJCC’s LaVenia Hale. “Join us for a free luncheon to learn more about the many benefits the L.A. County INVEST Program has to offer, including paid work experience, up to 300 hours; paid on-the-job training; fidelity bonding, insurance coverage; candidate pre-screening, and more.” For information or to RSVP contact LaVenia Hale at 661/522-2323 email: or Leah Campbell at 310/463-7271 email: -30- 

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