L.A. County Sanitation District to Hold Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Rate Increase for Sewage

On May 9, 2019, the L.A. County Sanitation District (LACSD) No. 14 will hold a Public Hearing to consider a proposed rate increase for sewage treatment. The proposed rate increase for a single family home is about $3.96 per month over a four-year period. The public hearing on May 9 begins at 9:30 a.m. and will be held at Lancaster City Hall (44933 Fern Avenue). Sanitation District 14 serves more than 170,000 residents in Lancaster, Palmdale, and adjacent areas, treating sewage at the Lancaster Water Reclamation Plant. The plant produces recycled water, which is used to irrigate crops and supply Apollo Lake and the Piute Ponds, as well as for municipal and industrial uses, such as landscape irrigation and street sweeping. The proposed rate increase would allow the Sanitation District to secure the rehabilitation of operations and maintenance of the wastewater management system, including upgrading the reclamation plant’s infrastructure (some of which dates back to 1958). Based on a per sewage unit, or “SU” (an SU is equal to the discharge from one single-family home), current rates are $39.67/month and $476/year. With the proposed increase, the rate per SU would go to $40.66/month and $487.88/year over the 2019/2020 fiscal year (FY), gradually increasing to $43.63/Month and $523.52/year in FY 2022/2023. A notice mailed to all Lancaster residents explains in greater detail. A number of informational meetings will be held prior to the public hearing: April 3, 7 p.m. at the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (43301 Division Street #206) April 6, 9 a.m. (tour) and 10:30 a.m. (meeting), at the Lancaster Water Reclamation Plant (1865 West Avenue D). RSVP by calling (562) 908-4288, ext. 2300 April 18, 7 p.m. at Highland High School Library (39055 25th Street West) April 30, 7 p.m. at Lancaster High School (44701 32 Street West) For more information regarding the District’s cost-saving measures, finances, and Low Water Rebate Program, as well as the protest process, review the informational mailer posted on LACSD’s website: click here for English; click here for Spanish. Residents may also visit www.lacsd.org, email rates@lacsd.org, call (855) 240-9506, or send mail to the Sanitation Districts (P.O. Box 4000, Whittier, CA 90607-4000).