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Seminar to Address “Facing the Future”

Anxiety disorders affect 40 million Americans, making it the most common mental health challenge. A free lecture about this debilitating condition will be held at 7 p.m. March 19 at the Community Resource Center, 44151 15th Street West in Lancaster. “Facing the Future,” presented by Roger Girion, PhD, executive director of mental health services at Antelope Valley Hospital will explain:

The differences between anxiety, fear and panic.

  • Methods to confront fear and anxiety.

  • Strategies to remain in the “here and now” despite the anxiety in life.

  • How to avoid the anxiety of wondering “What if this or that happens?”

“Anxiety over the outcome of challenges in life can stir panic in people,” said Dr. Girion. “This seminar will help those who are fretting over their future and provide strategies to alleviate tension and worry.”

For more details, click here to view the lecture event page on Facebook and RSVP

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