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NALEO Educational Fund Applauds State of New York for Efforts to Make Voting More Accessible for Lat

Washington, D.C. – The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund announced its support for the goals of voting modernization legislation that was signed into law today by New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. These new laws will allow for eight days of early voting before an election, synchronize federal and state primary elections, allow voter preregistration for teenagers, and provide voter registration portability within the state. “We applaud Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature for helping to break down many of the barriers that prevent New York voters from making their voices heard in our political system,” stated Arturo Vargas, NALEO Educational Fund chief executive officer. “By taking actions to make the right to vote more accessible for the Latino community and all New Yorkers, the Granite State is embracing the democratic values that make our nation great.” According to U.S. Census data, New York is home to 3.8 million Latinos, comprising approximately 19 percent of the state’s total population. With nearly two million Latinos eligible to vote and 1.4 million Latinos registered to vote in the state, the future vitality of New York’s democracy will depend on the participation of the Latino community. Two resolutions for Constitutional Amendments were also passed today including no-excuse absentee voting by mail and same-day voting registration. The New York Constitution currently restricts absentee ballots to individuals who provide a qualifying reason and prohibits voters from registering to vote less than 10 days before an election. Vargas added, “New York is among the trailblazing states in the nationwide effort to modernize our voting laws. We urge leadership in our nation’s capital and other states across the country to follow the example set forth by Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature by working to make it easier for Latinos and all Americans to participate in our elections.”

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