2019 Lake Los Angeles Park Board members sworn in.
Lake Los Angeles – Sorensen Park – The 2019 Lake Los Angeles Park Association (LLAPA) Board was sworn in by Chuck Bostwick, Assistant Deputy Supervisor in the Antelope Valley for 5th District Supervisor Kathryn Barger at the January 8 meeting.
Pictured are: Chuck Bostwick, Chuck Tedeschi, Donyale Fowler, Yvonne Malikowski, Manuel Magaña, Mary Hanna, Amanda Akrey and Anna Livingstone. Not pictured was Director Scarleth Hauffen-Pflieger who was unable to attend.
Chuck Tedeschi serves as Historian and Co-Chair of the Technology Committee. Donyale Fowler serves at Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer and Co-Chair of the Technology Committee. Yvonne Malikowski is Alternate. Manuel Magaña is Director. Mary Hanna is President. Amanda Akrey is Treasurer and chairs Friends of the Park. Anna Livingstone is Secretary. Scarleth Hauffen-Pflieger is a Director and chairs the Holiday Plan Committee. There is one Alternate position open.
Representing the Park and the community at Measure A activities are Donyale Fowler and Chuck Tedeschi. The Election Committee is chaired by Shirley Harriman in addition to being publicist.
The LLAPA meets monthly each 2nd Tuesday of the month in the community room at the Park at 7:00pm. The Business meetings are held in the community room at 1:00pm on the Saturday two (2) weeks prior to the monthly meetings. All meetings are public.