Supervisor Kathryn Barger calls for plan to increase stability for foster youth.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Supervisor Kathryn Barger authored a motion, unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors, that directs the Office of Child Protection to develop a plan to improve the County’s efforts to establish and secure stable placements for older foster youth.
Without permanent placements and the stability of a loving home, foster youth that emancipate from the child welfare system are at greater risk for homelessness, substance abuse addiction, mental health issues and poor educational outcomes.
“The County, which becomes the de facto parent for foster children, cannot replace the love, stability and inherent mentorship that a permanent home with a caring adult can provide,” Supervisor Barger said. “Our first goal should always be to link children in foster care with permanent placements, either with relatives, reunified with their birth parents or within a loving foster home.”
“Unless we redouble our efforts and focus on finding stable permanent placements for youth in our system, the already large number of youth who age out of our system will continue to rise along with the probability of negative outcomes,” said Judge Nash, Director, Office of Child Protection.
Supervisor Barger’s motion asks the Office of Child Protection to collaborate with the Chief Executive Office, the Department of Children and Family Services, Probation Department, other County departments and external stakeholders to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to increase permanency for system-involved youth.
Photo:Supervisor Kathryn Barger