Lancaster Sheriff’s Station and the City of Lancaster Urge Our Community to Keep Valuables Safe with

At 5:24am this morning, this man attemtped to open the door to a resident's van. The van, parked in front of the resident's home between 10th Street West and 15th Street West, and Avenue I and Avenue J, was fortunately locked and the man quickly walked away.
What did this resident do that prevented their family from being a victim of a crime? THEY ENSURED THEIR DOORS WERE LOCKED! Had their van not been locked, this resident would have woken up to items missing, or possibly even their van stolen.
Lancaster Sheriff's Station takes this time to remind our community about the “#9PMRoutine”. This campaign raises awareness and promotes safe habits among residents to prevent unnecessary thefts from vehicles, as well as home and car burglaries.Take preventative measures every night before you go to be! Residents are encouraged to set a nightly alarm at
9:00pm on their smartphone, watch or other device to remind them to do the following:
1. Remove valuables (electronic devices, wallets, etc.) from your vehicle. 2. Ensure that vehicle doors and trunks are locked. 3. Check that all house and property exterior doors and garages are locked. 4. Turn on exterior lights.
“Getting into this routine is an easy and inexpensive way for us to partner together to help eliminate crimes of opportunity”, said Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Captain Weber. “Following these basic security tips before you turn in for the night can absolutely prevent you from being the victim of a senseless crime.”
Join us in participating in the #9pm Routine! Help spread the word to your community and show us YOUR 9pm Routine! Post a picture locking your doors and/or securing your car and hashtag #9PMRoutine to remind your family, friends and neighbors to take these preventative measures. Make sure you protect your valuables and your home, and do not become the victim of a crime!
As always, our deputies are just a phone call away! If you see something, say something. Report any suspicious activity to our station by calling (661) 948-8466! "If You See Something, Say Something" Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lancaster Station at (661) 948-8466. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” Mobile APP, “P3 Mobile” for the hearing impaired on Google play or the Apple App Store or by using the website Lancaster Sheriff’s Station polices the City of Lancaster, Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, and the unincorporated communities of Antelope Acres, Lake Los Angeles, and Quartz Hill in the Antelope Valley. Ali Villalobos Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department 501 W Lancaster Boulevard Lancaster, CA 93534 Station (661) 948-8466 Desk (661) 524-2154 Website: LASD Text & Email Register at : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @lanlasd Facebook:
Address/Location LASD - Lancaster Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff 501 W Lancaster Blvd Lancaster, CA 93534
Contact Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-emergencies: 661-948-8466