Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Armagosa Creek Recharge Project
PALMDALE – Local, county and state officials gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Armagosa Creek Recharge project today near the California Aqueduct at 25th St. West and Elizabeth Lake Road.
The project, a collaborative effort between the City of Palmdale, Palmdale Water District, Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency and the Los Angeles County Water Districts, it will bring water from the California Aqueduct to a series of recharge ponds where it will percolate into the aquifer beneath the ground.
Speaking on behalf of their representative agencies were from Palmdale City Manager James Purtee, Mayor Elect Steve Hofbauer and Councilmember Austin Bishop; Gabino Vazquez from the California Department of Water Resources; Adam Ariki from Los Angeles County Waterworks; and Kathy MacLaren from the Palmdale Water District.
“This project, which has been in the planning stages for quite a while, will accomplish two very important things: one, and most important, it will recharge the groundwater basin beneath Palmdale, while creating a natural recreation space for residents,” Purtee said. “And eventually, recycled water from our wastewater treatment plant will also be piped to the recharged basins to further help feed the aquifer.”
“One of the most impressive things about this is that it’s a joint effort,” said Mayor Elect Hofbauer. “When you have so many different agencies involved in one project, it can often be a complicated and tricky process. But my hat’s off to the staff and leadership of these agencies, as well as the contractors for the job Nikolas Construction and Bowe Constructors, who came together with an exceptional plan and roadmap to make this important project a reality.”
“In addition to providing much needed water recharge for our basin, the project also includes plans to create a nature park along the recharge area, to be used for habitat restoration and as a pleasant area for residents to visit,” said Councilmember Bishop.
Overall, the total project is expected to cost $14.4 million and is expected to open in 2019.
For more information, please contact Public Works at 661/276-5300.