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Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest Returns to Palmdale

PALMDALE – The Antelope Valley Desert Divers (AVDD) will present their Annual Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 9 to 12 noon at Palmdale Oasis Park Pool, 3850 East Avenue S (next to DryTown Water Park) in Palmdale.

The fee for the contest is $5 per person. Registration is available at

All participating divers must be 10 years of age or older and be in possession of their valid C card before being allowed to dive. Poolside pumpkin art with magic markers will be available for participants 5 to 10 years of age.

Prizes will be awarded for the best three examples of pumpkin art in the adult and youngsters category.

Pre-cleaned pumpkins and carving implements will be provided. Pumpkins must be carved with the carving implements provided. Pumpkins carved in the water must be carved completely under the water.

For more information, visit, email AVDD president Mike Orlando at or call 661/267-5611.

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