Vehicle Theft Prevention Tips

Palmdale Sheriff’s Station would like to provide some safety tips to residents to avoid being a victim of auto thefts. Following these easy tips reduce the chances of criminals targeting your neighborhood.
• Avoid parking non-operating vehicles in the public street
• Secure any non-operating vehicles in your property and if possible behind locked gates
• Report any suspicious people walking around and looking inside vehicles (661-272-2400)
• Report any unfamiliar vehicles that may be abandoned and haven’t been moved in several days
• Make sure your vehicle is locked when unattended
• Do not leave valuables in plain sight inside vehicles
Did you also know that 90’s Honda’s and Toyota’s are our most targeted vehicles? We want to help you from not losing your valuable source of transportation. Bring your vehicle registration to the station showing you own a 90’s Honda or Toyota, and live in the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station service area and we will provide a free “The Club” steering wheel lock.
For any additional information, contact the Crime Prevention Unit at 661-272-2604. Please remember, you can always report any crime anonymously by visiting or calling 1-800-222-TIPS.
Address/Location LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff 750 E Ave Q Palmdale, CA 93550
Contact Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-emergencies: 661-272-2400