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Landlord Training Classes Offered by City of Palmdale

PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is offering Landlord Training classes on Wednesday Nov. 7 and 14 from 6 pm to 9 pm in the administration training room at Palmdale City Hall, 38300 Sierra Highway, Suite A.

The classes are open to anyone who owns or manages rental property. Attendance at both classes is required to complete the training program. The class fee is $25 and it includes all training materials. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.

Landlord Training classes are designed to instruct local owners and managers of multifamily rental properties how to keep illegal activity out of the rental property. This practical guide and community oriented property management approach will review current laws and regulations on property management and completion of this class is required for owners or managers of buildings wishing to acquire certification under the City of Palmdale’s Partners Against Crime program.

For more information or to register, please contact Crime Prevention Specialist Monica Luna at 661/267-5175.

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