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Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest Ceremony

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage month which honors the impact the Hispanic culture has made throughout our Nation’s history; Palmdale Sheriff’s Station co-hosted our second annual Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest at Los Amigos School. Eighty 8th grade students participated in writing an essay about a historical person who has influenced their life. On Monday, October 1, 2018, the winning students were announced in a ceremony in front of their classmates and parents. In attendance were also Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Commander Darrell Bolin, Captain Dennis M. Kneer, Palmdale City Mayor Jim Ledford, California Assemblyman Tom Lackey, and Los Amigos Principal Sonia Salcdo. The hardest part for Palmdale Station was deciding the top three essays to choose as all students did a wonderful job. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Ventura Graphix awarded the three winning students a monetary donation and Mulligans Family Fun Center donated passes to their theme park. We hope they have fun at the attractions after all their hard work. …….and the winning students are: 1st Place: Hannah Hidalgo on her essay on Frida Kahlo 2nd Place: Jennifer Contreras on her essay on Jaime Escalante 3rd Place: Eric Badilla on his essay on Juan Felipe Herrera Written By: David Ibanez Public Information Officer Palmdale Sheriff Station 750 E Ave Q Palmdale, CA 93550 661-272-2604 Website LASD HQ: Recruitment LASD: Follow LASD HQ via Text and Email: Twitter: @LASDHQ Twitter: @LASDtalk Twitter: @LASDvideos Twitter: @LASDespanol Facebook LASD HQ Instagram LASD Photos: Pinterest LASD Photos : YouTube LASD Videos: Alert LA County: Telephone emergency mass notification system Text & Email, Register for LASD Nixle messages: To receive more detailed, up-to-date information via E-MAIL and/or TEXT directly from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), sign up for "Nixle" alerts at and register for "LASD – Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept Information Bureau (SIB)" AND your local LASD station area. Or, to receive URGENT TEXT ALERTS ONLY, text your zip code to 888777. Standard text messaging rates may apply depending on your calling plan. "If You See Something, Say Something" LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” Mobile APP on Google play or the Apple App Store or by using the website Jim McDonnell, Sheriff Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

Address/Location LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff 750 E Ave Q Palmdale, CA 93550

Contact Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-emergencies: 661-272-2400

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