City of Palmdale Hosted Events & Programs for October 2018
Palmdale City Library
Tuesday, October 2 & 9
Preschool Storytime, 1 pm. Ages 3–5 with Miss Shay.
Tuesday, October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30
Legal Aid for Low Income Individuals, 3-6 pm. Services provided by the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles by appointment only. Call the library at 267-5600 to schedule an appointment.
Wednesday, October 3 &10
Baby & Toddler Storytime, 9:15 and 10:15 am (2 sessions) with Miss Shay. Ages 3-36 months.
Wednesday, October 3
Midweek Movies, 5:30 pm. Born in China (G). Free admission, open to all ages.
Friday, October 5 & 12
Bilingual Storytime, 10 am, with Miss Maria, all ages.
Saturday, October 6 &13
Baby & Me Lap-sit Storytime, for infants pre-walking age (0-18 months) and their caregivers, 9:30 am, with Miss Jamielee.
Tuesday, October 9
Coffee and Coloring for Adults, 10 am. We provide the coffee and coloring supplies, you provide the conversation and creativity.
ThinkShop, 4 pm. A STEM-based program exploring the way the world works for ages 5-10.
Wednesday, October 10
Midweek Movies, 5:30 pm. Young Frankenstein (PG). Free admission, open to all ages.
Tuesday, October 16
Wii U Tournament, 4 pm. Video game tournament with prizes for top two finishers. Free entry. Games and controllers are provided.
African-American Authors Book Club, 6:45 pm. All adults welcome. Discussion of a new title by African-American authors each month.
Wednesday, October 17
Midweek Movies, 5:30 pm. Wreck it Ralph (PG). Free admission, open to all ages.
Mystery Book Club, 7 pm. A new mystery title to discuss each month.
Thursday, October 18
Free Yoga, Palmdale City Library, 6 pm. Presented by “The Yoga Roots.”
Sunday, October 21
Read, Learn, Create Book Club, 3:30 pm. Read, Learn, Create: A Book Club for the Artistically Inclined is not your typical book club. The “RLC” is intended for creative types who tend to think outside of the box. Open to all creative types, 16 years and older.
Monday, October 22-25
Movie Festival, 5:30 pm. Alfred Hitchcock, free admission and popcorn! Call the library for details.
Monday, October 22
Classics Book Club, 7 pm. Catch up on the world’s great literature with a new title every month.
Wednesday, October 24 Young Americans, 4:30 pm. A discussion group for ages 13-19. Want to talk about what’s going on in the world? Want to know how you can take a role in society? Want to be smart enough to face the world on its terms? Get answers at the Library.
Midweek Movies, 5:30 pm. Vertigo (PG). Free admission, open to all ages.
Tuesday, October 30
Books and Barks, 3:30-5 pm. Kids build reading skills by reading to friendly, non-judgmental dogs in one of our most popular events.
Wednesday, October 31
Midweek Movies, 5:30 pm. Hocus Pocus (PG). Free admission, open to all ages.
At the Parks Saturday, October 6, 13, & 20 - Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Tots Hour, 9:30-10:30 am. Tots will be provided with hands-on, free activities that give them the opportunities to explore their world through a variety of indoor and outdoor experiences. Ages 2-5.
Sunday, October 7, 14, 21, & 28- Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Retro Day Family Field Games, 9-11 am. Bring your family and friends out to the park for some good old-fashioned fun! Try your hand at badminton, bocce or croquet! See park staff for details.
Tuesday, October 2 - Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
#RockTheArtPalmdale – 5-6:30 pm. Come join the rock movement and paint a rock with the intention to hide it for another person to find. Supplies are provided on a first come basis.
Tuesday, October 9, 16, 23, & 30- Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Tuesday Tunes, 4:30-6 pm. Engage socially in musical games with other park patrons or allow the music to inspire your creativity with art and crafts.
Wednesday, October 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31 - Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Art Melding, 4:30-6 pm. Come create art with “a little bit of everything” with park staff. Projects are designed to inspire mixing of art mediums and supplies.
Thursday, October 4, 11, 18, & 25- Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Maker Thursdays, 5-6:30pm. Hands on creative ways for kids to invent, play, design, and explore. Ages 8+
Friday, October 5, 12, & 19 - Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Family Game Night, 4:30-7 pm. Board games are made available for families to check out and engage in friendly competitions. Ages 5+.
Friday, October 5, 12, & 19 – Domenic Massari & Marie Kerr
Family Dance Night, 4:30-7 pm. Learn the moves to popular dance songs like “Cupid Shuffle” or “Cha Cha Slide.” All ages.
Saturday, October 20- Yellen Dog Park
Howl-O-Ween Event, 11am-1pm. Roll on over to Yellen Dog park for the Howl-O-Ween event. The PAWtrol volunteers invite all dogs to get dressed up in their scariest, most original, or best overall dog costume. A photo area will be accessible for selfies or family portraits. Games will be available, socializing is encouraged!
Saturday, October 20 – Poncitlán Square
El Festival De La Raza. 11 am - 3 pm. Featuring food vendors, live music, kids activities and information. Free admission.
Wednesday, October 24 – Joe Davies Heritage Airpark
Full Moon Airpark Tour. 12 pm - 4 pm. Gates open at 6pm, tour begins at 8 pm. Gates close at 11 pm. Picnic under a plane and enjoy the moon, stars and fall weather in a relaxing atmosphere. Free admission.
Friday, October 26 – Domenic Massari
2nd Annual Pumpkin Walk, 5:30-7:30 pm. Free Event. All ages. Come and enjoy a family fun event. There will be community exhibitors, and decorated themed areas where treats will be given out.
Saturday, October 27 – Poncitlán Square
AV Community Resource Fair. 10 am - 2 pm. Resource info on education employment, healthcare, childcare, legal & youth services, mental health & more. Free kids activities, entertainment and admission. Food and prize drawings on site.
Saturday, October 27- Marie Kerr
Haunted House, 6:30-8:30pm. Free Event. Ages 13+. Come if you dare, and enter at your own risk, into a Marie Kerr Community Building haunted house!
Tuesday, October 2 & 16
Housing Rights Legal Clinic with Neighborhood Legal Services, 9 am – 12 pm at SAVES, 1002 E Ave Q-12. The NLS team provides free assistance to individuals and families dealing with fair housing, unsafe conditions, mobile home residency law, loan modification, fraud, consumer debt, Section 8, legal problems and landlord/ tenant problems. Walk-ins are welcome or call 1-800-433-6251 to make an appointment or speak with an in-take advocate.
Tuesday, October 9
Legal Clinic with Neighborhood Legal Services, 9 am – 12 pm at SAVES, 1002 E Ave Q-12. The NLS team provides free assistance to individuals and families dealing with Veteran benefits, other than Honorable Discharge. Walk-ins are welcome or call 1-800-433-6251 to make an appointment or speak with an in-take advocate.
Thursday, October 18
Housing Rights Center, SAVES, 1-4 pm. Opportunity for residents to ask questions about fair housing laws, illegal practices, and landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities. Info: 800/477-5977 or Neighborhood Services 661-267-5126, you can also visit
Tuesday, October 23
Legal Clinic with Neighborhood Legal Services, 9 am – 12 pm at SAVES, 1002 E Ave Q-12. The NLS team provides free assistance to individuals and families dealing with Healthcare issue, getting needed medical service, issues with health insurance, and medical transportation. Walk-ins are welcome or call 1-800-433-6251 to make an appointment or speak with an in-take advocate.
Chimbole Cultural Center
Tuesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Alanon High Nooners Meeting, 12:15-1:45 pm. The Alanon Meetings are every Tuesday, except holidays and the days in December-January when the Chimbole Cultural Center is closed. For more information please call Jean at 661/947-7615.
Wednesday, October 3 Friends of the Library Meeting, Chimbole Cultural Center, 4 pm. An organization devoted to helping support the Library.
Public Safety
Thursday, October 4
Coffee with a Cop – McDonalds 2427 E. Avenue S from 9 am to 11 am
Monday, October 15
19th Annual Deputy Don Self Integrity Club Golf Tournament Rancho Vista Golf Course 3905 Club Rancho Drive 8am-4pm. For more information visit
Sunday, October 28
Trunk or Treat and Car Show Hammack Center/Boys and Girls Club 815 E Avenue Q6, 10am-2pm. Hosted by the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station this event is for all ages.
Palmdale Playhouse
Saturday, October 6
Halloween Makeup Workshop 9 am to 1 pm. Be the best vampire, zombie or monster this Halloween! Register online
October 19, 20, 26 & 27
Dracula: The Musical? 8 pm. Join us for this classic horror tale set to song and dance. Tickets and information available
October 21 & 28
Dracula: The Musical? 2 pm. Join us for this classic horror tale set to song and dance. Tickets and information available
Public Meetings
Tuesday, October 2
Palmdale City Council Meeting, Chimbole Cultural Center, 38350 Sierra Hwy. 7 pm.
Tuesday, October 9
Board of Library Trustee Meeting, Administration Training Room, 38300 Sierra Hwy. 5:30 pm.
Thursday, October 11
Palmdale Planning Commission Meeting, Chimbole Cultural Center, 38350 Sierra Hwy. 7 pm.
Monday, October 15
PRWA, Administration Training Room, 38300 Sierra Hwy. 7 pm.
Palmdale Amphitheater
Saturday, October 13
Kaleidoscope Art & Music Festival. 10 am to 6 pm. This artisan showcase features live music, food, craft beer, wineries, artisans, local artist expo, live studio classes and living masterpieces. Free admission and parking.
Legacy Commons
Tuesday, October 16
Parkinson’s Group Meeting, 9:45-11:45 am, Legacy Commons for Active Seniors.
Wednesday, October 24
Diabetes Group Meeting, 9 am, Legacy Commons for Active Seniors.
Recruiting Now – Girl Scouts, City of Palmdale Neighborhood Houses. The Girl Scouts are now meeting once a week at three of the City’s Neighborhood Houses: Yucca NH, 503 E. Avenue Q3, 267-5052; Tumbleweed NH, 1129 E. Avenue R4, 267-5901; and Manzanita NH, 38627 32nd St. East, 267-5911. Call your local Neighborhood House for day and time.
Palmdale City Library Techmobile Schedule
(weather permitting)
3:30-4:30 pm - Anaverde Park
3:30-4:30 pm - Hammack Center
Best of the West Softball Complex
2723 Rancho Vista Drive
Palmdale, CA 93551
Chimbole Cultural Center38350 Sierra HighwayPalmdale, CA 93550661/267-5656
Monday 12-6 pmTuesday 12-6 pmWednesday 8 am-10 pmThursday 8 am-6 pmFriday 12-6 pmSaturday and Sunday by reservation only.
Courson Park
38226 10th St. East
Palmdale, CA 93550
Domenic Massari Park
37716 55th St. East
Palmdale, CA 93552
DryTown Water Park
3850 Ave. S Palmdale, CA 93552
Marie Kerr Park Recreation Center
2723 Rancho Vista Blvd.
Palmdale, CA 93551
Marie Kerr Park Community Building
379700 30th Street West
Palmdale, CA 93551
Palmdale Amphitheater
2723 Rancho Vista Boulevard
Palmdale, California 93551
Palmdale City Library
700 East Palmdale Blvd.
Palmdale, CA 93550
661/267-5600 • 661/267-5277 (24/7 Renewal Line)
Monday-Thursday, 10 am-8 pm •Friday-Saturday, 10 am-5 pm• Sunday 1-5 pm
Palmdale City Council Chamber
38300 Sierra Highway, Suite B
Palmdale, CA 93550
Palmdale Oasis Recreation Center
3850 Ave. S
Palmdale, CA 93552
Palmdale Transportation Center
39000 Clock Tower Plaza Drive
Palmdale, CA 93550
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 3 am-12 pm (midnight)
Saturday-Sunday, 6 am-10:30 pm
Legacy Commons for Active Seniors
930 East Avenue Q-9
Palmdale, CA 93550661/267-5904
Monday-Thursday 8 am-4:30 pm
Friday 8 am-12 pm
Palmdale Playhouse
38334 10th Street East
Palmdale, CA 93550
Tickets for Palmdale Playhouse events April September be purchased online at, or at the box office beginning two hours before each show, 38334 10th St. East. For more information, please call 661/267-5684.
Yellen Dog Park
5100 East Ave. S
Palmdale, CA 92552