Under Senate Bill 328 would prevent middle and high schools from starting classes until 8:30 a.m

Under SB 328 which passed in both chambers this Friday, would mandated that all middle and high schools delay the start of classes until 8:30 a.m.
Those who support the bill point that later start times make kids healthier, and will also help them in their education by letting them get more sleep.
"I voted “No.”. Local school boards in consultation with parents, teachers and the community ought to determine the best start time for their schools. Too often Sacramento imposes one-size-fits-all solutions to problems that don’t even exist." Senator Scott Wilk explained.
SB 328 is sign into law by Governor Jerry Brown, schools will have about three years to comply. Under SB 328 the bill would not apply to rural schools or to extra periods offered before the start of a school day.
The bill calls for the new start times to be implemented no later than July 1, 2021 or the date when a school district’s collective bargaining agreement effective as of Jan. 2, 2019 expires.
"If SB 328 is implemented the mandate should provide state money for the purchasing of the number of buses to allow all students to start and end at an appropriate time. Along with the cost of the buses are the costs of providing bus yard space and additional bus drivers. If K-5 schools were scheduled after the 8:30 start time of the middle schools, they would need to be scheduled approximately 1 hour to 1 1/4 hours after the middle school start time. That would mean the younger children would be in school until between 4:30 and 5:00 pm. In the late fall to early spring that would be after dark. Students on the buses would not get home until after 5:15 to 6:00 pm." said Nancy Smith, Palmdale School District Board Trustee and President of the Antelope Valley School Boards Association