Vision Zero Initiative discussed

Lake Los Angeles – Sorensen Park (SSOR) - On Friday evening August 17, Mary Hanna, Erika Schwerdt and Shirley Harriman met with Miguel Ramos from Los Angeles County Health. Miguel is the Outreach Coordinator in the Program Policies for Livable Active Communities and Environments Program (PLACE).
The discussion was about the Lake Los Angeles Step by Step Plan and to take a traffic safety survey on Los Angeles County’s Vision Zero Initiative.
The Step by Step program is in the stages of further public hearings being scheduled and County pursuing funding for Phase 1 improvements. Public hearings will be held during late October and early November. The communities involved in Step by Step will receive information through newspapers, social media and direct mail campaigns. At some point in October the funding information will be available. There are several steps according to statutes that must be taken with construction expected to commence in early 2020. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (BOS) will be presented with the final plans for an up or down vote in December.
Statistics reveal that one (1) person per week on average is killed on a street in the County. A thumbnail sketch of the history of the County’s Vision Zero Initiative is:
October 4th, 2016
County Takes a “Vision Zero” Approach to Reducing Traffic Fatalities Traffic-related deaths are the fifth leading cause of premature death in Los Angeles County. In an effort to create safe streets and promote active lifestyles, the Board of Supervisors voted today to approve a motion by Chair Hilda L. Solis to implement a “Vision Zero Initiative” that would identify potential strategies to help eliminate traffic-related fatalities.
The “Vision Zero Initiative” aims to introduce environmentally-friendly alternatives to driving and support the wellness of communities. Aside from safe roads, the initiative focuses on facilitating pedestrian activity, bicycling, use of public transit and outdoor physical activity, especially for the growing elderly population and children.
The motion directs the Department of Public Health, Department of Public Works and Health Services, Sheriff and Fire Chief to analyze traffic collisions for unincorporated County areas. Departments are to report back to the Board within 120 days on potential strategies and actions to implement the “Vision Zero” approach. The initiative also aims to implement a holistic approach to create safer streets through education, engineering, and enforcement strategies.
The County’s Vision Zero initiative will make safety the highest priority of our streets. More than a dozen cities and counties around the Country have decided to take part in the Vision Zero Initiative and create their own goals to end traffic-related fatalities. Drivers play an important role in road safety as well. Traffic-related deaths are the leading cause of premature death among 5 to 14-year-olds. As the days get shorter and evening visibility decreases, it is important to take extra precautionary measures while driving to ensure the safety of everyone on the street.
The community of Lake Los Angeles will be kept current on both the Step by Step and Vision Zero efforts through Facebook postings and articles and announcements published in the weekly newspaper The Lake L A News.