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Steve Hofbauer, current councilmember from District 2 enters mayor's race for the City of Palmda

The City of Palmdale, California, will hold general elections for mayor and city council on November 6, 2018.

Three candidates have qualified and one more still pending for the mayoral race in the November elections, we had a great response from all three candidates. Incumbent Mayor James D. Ledford, Councilmen Steve Hofbauer and community activist V. Jesse Smith have agree to send us their press releases.

Press release sent over by current Councilmember Steve Hofbauer read as fallows.

Steve Hofbauer has dedicated his life to public service. Retired from the Fire Department after a 32 year career, and Valor Award recipient for heroism, Steve served as a City of Palmdale Planning Commissioner from 1992 to 2003, when he was elected to the City Council. Recognized for his commitment to transparency and selfless government service, Councilman Hofbauer is now running for Mayor of Palmdale with a focus on economic development, fighting crime and restoring honest government. Hofbauer seeks to put the recent highly publicized public corruption scandals behind us, through outside audits of our processes with improved public participation, to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to prevent those from ever again exploiting our public funds for personal gain. Steve’s demonstrated integrity has earned him respect and the ability to successfully represent our City at many critical agency and board assignments. He routinely works in leadership roles with other Mayors, city, state and federal officials on regional and statewide Public Safety, Legislative Policy, Air Quality, Housing and Planning, Transit and Transportation, attracting grants and bringing your taxes back to Palmdale for congestion relief and road improvements, to regain regional air service, while keeping taxes and fees some of the lowest, our crime rate on the decline, and liability costs in check. Steve believes public service should be exactly about that - serving with dignity and integrity to the benefit of the community. Steve Hofbauer for Mayor of Palmdale Councilman, Palmdale CD 2 Serving with Integrity and Valor 661/609-7456

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