Community Invited to Attend City of Palmdale’s Active Transportation Program Workshop

PALMDALE —The City of Palmdale will hold a public workshop to discuss the draft Active Transportation Program on Monday, July 9, from 7 to 8 pm at the Chimbole Cultural Center, located at 38350 Sierra Highway in Palmdale.
The Active Transportation Program includes a Safe Routes to School Plan, a Bicycle Transportation Plan, a Complete Streets Plan, a Design Toolbox and Funding Resource Guide. The Active Transportation Program seeks to address the community’s need for safe and accessible alternative modes of transportation that benefit the entire community.
The draft Active Transportation Program is the product of public outreach meetings over the last few years, including workshops with all schools within the city, Technical Advisory Committee meetings, and other public workshops and open houses.
“The community’s feedback is reflected in the draft plans,” said Palmdale’s Transportation/Special Projects Manager Mike Behen. “The July 9 workshop will provide an additional opportunity for the community to participate in creating the Active Transportation Program.”
The Workshop will provide information on each of the draft plans, including how they were developed, what they mean for the community, and how the City will use them in the future. Attendees will be able to provide feedback that can be analyzed and potentially incorporated into the final Active Transportation Plan documents.
“The City of Palmdale values the time and effort that our community has dedicated to the development of these plans,” Behen said. “We encourage our residents to attend the workshop and help shape the future of active transportation in their city.”
For more information, please contact Mike Behen or visit the Active Transportation Program project website at