AV YouthBuild will celebrate the completion of a new housing project, will house four homeless famil

Palmdale, CA- June 28th, 2018 – Advancing Communities Together dba Antelope Valley YouthBuild will celebrate the completion of the 10th Place Housing Project, a new housing project located at 38429 10th Place East in Palmdale with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 10:00 am.
The 3736 sq. ft. fourplex facility was constructed over the past year by more than 30 students from AV YouthBuild, in partnership with the City of Palmdale and Hiesl Construction.
In July, the 10th Place East Project will house four (4) homeless families and provide them with stable, quality and affordable housing. Each unit is approx 934 sq ft with two bedrooms and one full bathroom, according to AV YouthBuild Associate Director and Co-Founder Olivia Cherry.
About YouthBuild
Advancing Communities Together, Inc. (ACT) is a California based, 501 c(3) non-profit organization. ACT was founded as a non-profit in 2011. ACT began operating its core program, Antelope Valley YouthBuild, in 2007 in collaboration with AV Champions. Advancing Communities Together's main focus is to break the cycles of poverty, violence, incarceration and high school dropouts by supporting, building and transforming the lives of young people, their families and communities through leadership development, academic growth, positive community impact, personal accountability. In collaboration with various community partners, ACT looks to support young people as leaders of today, building for tomorrow! Our purpose is to assist young people and community members in transforming their lives through providing academic and career readiness opportunities. As well as build and nurture the spirit of young people and the communities they reside in through social justice, advocacy and agents of change.
“This is what rebuilding and transformation is all about. We are really excited to be part of this beautiful housing project alongside our City of Palmdale and providing quality housing for families. It is a win-win for our community”– Olivia Cherry, Associate Director
source :YouthBuild press release
photo credit: YouthBuild