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Second Annual “Valley Fever—Be Aware” Seminar on Saturday, June 23rd

The Partners for Fugitive Dust/Valley Fever in the Antelope Valley, sponsored by A.V. Resource Conservation District and Partners, will conduct its Second Annual “Valley Fever—Be Aware” Seminar on Saturday, June 23rd, from 10:00 am until 12:15 pm, with registration beginning at 9:00 am, at City of Hope Community Education Center, 44151 15th St W, Lancaster, CA 93534.

The public is invited to this free event.

Our panel of guests and speakers include: a visit from 36th District Assemblyman Tom Lackey; video presentations prepared by 34th District Assemblyman Vince Fong, with information on currently proposed State of California Valley Fever Legislation; and 32nd District Assemblyman Rudy Salas, on the history of Valley Fever in California.

Also in attendance will be Los Angeles County Public Health Physician Dr. Rachel Civen presenting “Epidemiology and Surveillance: A Valley Fever Overview” and Dr. Antje Lauer, Associate Professor of Microbiology at California State University, Bakersfield, with expertise in the ecology of the fungus Coccidioides immitis, which causes Valley Fever, with her presentation “Biocontrol of Coccidioides in Disturbed Habitats”.

Other speakers include Mr. Bret Banks, Director of Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District, and Ms. Jacqueline Ayer, Air Quality Engineer, and Association of Rural Town Councils Air Quality Representative. Mr. Banks and Ms. Ayer will speak regarding their collaboration on a proposal submitted through California Air Resource Board's AB 617, which allocates state grant monies to communities with concern and need for air quality monitoring and mitigation strategies. Ms. Ayer will speak via video presentation.

Their proposal outlines need in the Antelope Valley for quantifying, classifying, and monitoring levels of fine particulates across our communities that contribute to public health issues, including Valley Fever.


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