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Join C.E.R.T. squad leaders for a GRID SEARCH TRAINING this Saturday May 19th, 8am-10am. FREE of cha

Los Angeles C.E.R.T Squad leaders have prepared a GRID SEARCH TRAINING field training exercise and invite all Antelope Valley C.E.R.T groups to join! This Saturday May 19th, 2018 from 8am-11am. This activity is free of charge! Following a major disaster, police, fire and medical professionals may not be able to fully meet the demand. People will have to rely on each other to meet the immediate life saving and life sustaining needs, particularly in isolated neighborhoods that may be cut off from the main roads for a period of time. The County of Los Angeles Fire Department Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) program was developed through FEMA to provide basic training in safety and life saving skills for the general public. One of the activities we may support is search and rescue. Bring your FRS/Ham radios and make sure you bring your water bottles as we will be doing this exercise on the 140 acre property pictured below. FRS radios are available if you do not own one. There is no charge for this training course Please register with Lisa at: or by calling 661-537-2901. Or visit their website at for more local CERT information. Lancaster Sheriff’s Station polices the City of Lancaster, Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, and the unincorporated communities of Antelope Acres, Lake Los Angeles, and Quartz Hill in the Antelope Valley. Ali Villalobos Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department 501 W Lancaster Boulevard Lancaster, CA 93534 Station (661) 948-8466 Desk (661) 524-2154 Website: LASD Text & Email Register at : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @lanlasd Facebook:

Address/Location LASD - Lancaster Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff 501 W Lancaster Blvd Lancaster, CA 93534

Contact Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-emergencies: 661-948-8466

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