Are you ready for Parks After Dark 2018? A LLA Summer to Remember

Lake Los Angeles – Sorensen Park - At the May meeting of the Lake Los Angeles Park Association, Park Supervisor Regina Bradley announced fifteen new programs that will be coming to Lake Los Angeles 2018 Parks after Dark (PAD). Here is the list
1) Superhero Chalk Festival 2) Girls Lacrosse Clinic 3) Intro to Boxing 4) Intro to Chess 5) Itty Bitty & Me 6) LA Sparks Clinic 7) Line Dancing 8) Nutrition food demonstration 9) Rethink your Drink 10) Staff vs. Community – Kick Ball Game 11) Senior Socials i) Social ii) Games iii) BINGO iv) Health and safety workshops 12) Superhero Dance 13) Volleyball Tournament 14) Youth Basketball Challenge 15) Youth Development Leadership Program
Dates for PAD are June 14 through August 4, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings starting at 6:00pm. All ages are welcome. The very popular Movies under the Stars will return to entertain twice a month and perhaps more? You will soon find out! Invite your friends from other communities to come to our Park and enjoy their summer with LLA folks.
On Thursday June 14 come to the Park’s gymnasium, enjoy an evening of music and register for Parks after Dark programs. Yes, some programs require registration for supplies and numbers of participants. Tickets to register for PAD activities will be given out at 5:00pm.
Questions: Please call 661-264-1249 and speak with Regina or a staff member.